Monday, December 20, 2010

St. Joseph: Statue?

Did Joseph study His face, I wonder.
Is it blasphemy, do you think, to imagine the carpenter,
in quiet moments when he could hear the Newborn suckling
against his Virgin wife’s soft breast
 (is the softness of the Virgin’s breast, the whiteness of it,
is that perhaps blasphemy too?)

Did he measure the Baby’s face
(like Hers, but unlike his)
to extrapolate the face of the Father
like he would measure the location for a hinge,
where it would attach, and where it would extend

Or did he just find himself just naturally noticing,
like he noticed grain in wood,
that would guide his tools or vex them
as he did his work,
making things needed
out of materials provided?

Seems to me (or is it blasphemy
to think) that maybe
it was not as simple for Joseph,
no dumb animal whose mere breath
would warm the scene
until the Magi came with wonder
until the cross came with terror
to make sense of all this

of houses that don’t seem to sell,
to make the best of a terrible market.

Blasphemy, it seems to me.

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